Five principles for fostering a feeling of inclusion

Time to read: 6 minutes A few weeks ago I ran a small ideation & affinity mapping workshop with some colleagues on the theme of Inclusion. And I want to tell you what we discovered. What’s a DE&I activity? The premise of the workshop was simple. I needed to put together a proposed budget for DE&I activities in the coming […] continue reading »

A forgotten UX need: Selection by exclusion

Time to read: 3 minutes Today I was advertised a lovely-looking wine subscription box. Seems genuinely smart, as it asks you flsvour preference questions, like “the evening is winding down, are you most likely to reach for a platter of cheese, a sponge cake, or macarons?”. But. Like many other services like it, it does not account for managing selections […] continue reading »

When was the last time you asked yourself “why am I here”?

Time to read: 5 minutes When was the last time you asked yourself “why am I here”? And I don’t mean in the context of a three-hour meeting that is not needing your expertise after all… I mean existentially. As in, “Am I going to accomplish anything more in this life than turning food into shit?” (Leonardo Da Vinci thought […] continue reading »

5 tips for a better UX portfolio

Time to read: 8 minutes Have you ever had to put a UX portfolio together? I have. And I’ve had to go through bunches of them when interviewing people, trying to decide who might be a good future colleague. It’s very difficult. I recently participated in a portfolio feedback session with MA students in User eXperience (UX) in which another […] continue reading »